
Transformative Model From Emptiers to Entrepreneurs

By _bd_fsm

A model aimed at improving the quality of life for waste and sanitation workers.


Gender And Social Inclusion in City-Wide Sanitation in Bangladesh

By _bd_fsm

Practical Action has been working to embed Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) in our work on city-wide sanitation. This requires action at all levels from communities, to municipalities, to the national government.


Proceedings Dialogue on Dignifying Sanitation Workers Lives For Achieving SDG 6.2

By _bd_fsm

SUMMARY OF THE PROCEEDINGS The “Dialogue on Dignifying Sanitation Workers’ Lives for Achieving SDG 6.2,” held on October 17, 2023, at the ITN-BUET Seminar Room, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders committed to improving the lives of sanitation workers in Bangladesh.


3rd FSM Convention Proceedings

By _bd_fsm

This publication contains information in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Neither Bangladesh FSM Network nor any member of the network can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a


FSM Convention Proceedings

By _bd_fsm

The Bangladesh Faecal Sludge Management Network (FSMN) is a common and collective platform for the sector actors to generate ideas, share views, influence policy and practice, and
raise a collective voice to meet the challenges of sanitation sector


FSM Network Flyer

By _bd_fsm

Bangladesh has achieved the remarkable feat of near-elimination of open defecation. However,the rapid increase in sanitation coverage ov.erthe-past two decades has, elied heavily on on-site sanitation,


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